Delicious Drip

Palaman Purveyors

Branding and packaging for a Filipino artisanal jam company

Palaman means “spread” or “filling”, for pastry, bread, or sandwiches. Palaman Purveyors makes jams, toasts, and cafe drinks inspired by Filipino flavors such as pandan, ube, and mais con queso.

Brand Identity
Type Design
Print Collateral

Custom Letterforms

The “Palaman” type design is made to be evocative of ooey gooey jam, the thicks of the lettering landing more at the tops and bottoms of the letterforms. The “m” letterform was then used to create a pattern, which was animated so that it says “mmm.”

Link to the Traditional

Customers later said that the Palaman typography reminded them of traditional Filipino writing forms called Baybayin.

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